sats Jun 24, 2023


I love bananas but they can be fickle and black turn quickly especially in hotter climates. When they do we bang them in the freezer until there is enough to whip up a batch of bread.

When making this recipe we usually double it and bake in 2 nonstick, 1 kg (2lb) loaf tins (300mm L x 78 mm H x 110 mm W) but this recipe is written for ONE loaf.

This is a super easy recipe to make and doesn’t really require much baking skill, it does help if you have a mixer. A KitchenAid is worth the #sats.

#chefstr tip: Whip some butter with a little cinnamon, honey and fresh vanilla bean. Essence is fine if you can’t find vanilla bean. There are chocolate chips added to this recipe but it can be easily taken out.

#proofofwork: 20 minutes prep and approximately 60 minutes cook time

Yield: 1 x 1kg loaf

250 gr Self raising flour
250 gr Castor sugar
125 gr Unsalted butter
3 ea Large bananas
180 gr Chocolate chips
2 ea Eggs large (55g)

Preheat the oven to 170C.

Mash the banana.

In a mixer, add the room temperature/softened butter and sugar. Cream them together (whip on a high speed) until the mix is pale and fluffy.

With the mixer still running, add in the eggs one by one and when incorporated, add the mash bananas.

Turn the mixer off and fold in flour with a spatula. You can use the mixer but be careful as you don’t want to over work the flour which will activate the gluten, making the loaf dense and heavy.

Fold in the choc chips. You can also add vanilla essence (3ml) and cinnamon (5gr) if you want.

Place the batter in the loaf tin and cook in the 170C preheated oven for about 1 hour. Test the loaf with a bamboo skewer. Insert the skewer to the middle of the loaf, it should come out clean when the loaf is ready.

Allow to cool as it slices better when cold. Smother with butter and #enjoy!

#chefstr #foodstr #breadstr #yumstr #homemade #eatrealfood #noshtr



I cook, I learn, I #hodl “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien #AUSTriches #bitcoin #chefstr