proofofwork Jul 06, 2023


This is an unleavened flatbread meaning there is no yeast or rising required. It is very popular in South and Southeast Asian cuisine and is typically served as a side for curries. It is a really simple recipe to execute.

Queen ₿ is my baker, and has shown me a cool technique with making this bread. It is best made the day before and soaked in oil. The dough absorbs the oil making it easier to stretch and creates a flakiness to the bread giving it extra crunch. 😋😋

Coconut oil is generally the oil of choice but that can be quite pricey so a quality vegetable oil can be substituted. You can cut corners with the soaking for a quicker result and soak in the oil for a minimum of 1 hour. It is better to plan ahead.

#proofofwork: 1 day total due to the soaking in the oil. 20 minutes preparation. 5 minutes cooking.

500 grams flour, whole wheat and stoneground (plain is fine too)
200 mls water
50 mls milk, full cream
1.5 teaspoon salt

-Combine flour, salt, milk and water in a bowl and knead with your hands to form a soft dough.
-Turn onto a work surface and knead until smooth and elastic.
-Break into 10 balls and place in a single layer on a high sided tray.
-Cover with coconut oil, dot with 40gr butter and rest in a cool place (overnight).
-Next day, working with one ball at a time, stretch the dough, pressing and pushing it with the palm of your hand, until transparent.
-Pick up the dough and allow it to stretch, pleat and twist itself under its own weight into a long piece. It should form a snake like tube.
-Roll the length of dough into a coil, then flatten the coil to a 20cm disc and transfer to a sheet of baking paper.
-Repeat with remaining dough and baking paper, stacking the roti as you go. -Heat a frying pan to a medium heat, add 2 tsp of the coconut oil from the tray and cook roti one at a time, turning once, until golden (1-2 minutes each side).
-These will keep uncooked, refrigerated and in an airtight container for a day or two. So they can be completed prior to serving the main course.

#enjoy #chefstr #foodstr #yumstr #homemade #eatrealfood #noshtr
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I cook, I learn, I #hodl “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien #AUSTriches #bitcoin #chefstr