Incoming some weekend improv cooking.

cookstr Aug 24, 2024

Incoming some weekend improv cooking.

Pork neck in a sort of kind of maybe whitish ragù I guess...? With fennel and turnips because obviously, and pears which I'll add later, because duh.

(In fact I wanted to use quince, but we live in a decadent society and couldn't find any).

All the ingredients are certified eco and local. The veggies are from a town I know well, just 20 km from here, and the meat and the pears are from within 100 km so that works too.

To be totally honest, I buy all these rather expensive eco ingredients not so much because of the eco label, which you can or cannot believe in, but because these foods simply look and taste completely real. They're a joy to cook with, and even more to eat.

We'll see how the dish turns out.

#cookstr #foodstr



In principle, no.