Sambal Bajak (Chilli Paste)

fuckcorporations Apr 22, 2023

Sambal Bajak (Chilli Paste)

This is a classic Indonesian chilli paste that has a wide range of purposes. It is a popular base for noodle dishes(mee goreng) or rice dishes(nasi goreng) but can also be used as a marinade or just as a condiment.

A number of the ingredients may be hard to find but I would suggest searching your local Asian foods purveyor first, big box grocery stores will be pointless and besides, shop with local merchants cause #fuckcorporations. If you can’t find candlenut then it is fair to substitute with macadamias.

#proofofwork: 15 minutes preparation 45 minutes cooking

Yield: 400g


60 g belachan (shrimp paste)
30 long red chillis chopped

12 candlenuts

2 tablespoons fresh chopped garlic

2 tablespoons fresh chopped ginger

20 red shallots, sliced

10 kaffir lime leaves, julienne

100 ml canola oil

60 ml tamarind paste

500 ml coconut milk

60g palm sugar


Wrap the belachan in foil and dry roast in a 160C (320F) oven until fragrant. This is shrimp paste so it will get a bit smelly!

Place chilli, candlenuts, ginger, garlic, shallots, lime leaves, and oil in food processor and blend to smooth paste.

Cook paste in a heavy based pot, over gentle heat 10-15 minutes or until soft. Add the remaining ingredients, bring to boil then simmer for 30 minutes until a thick paste has formed and a layer of oil is still evident.

This mix will need to be stirred regularly to prevent it sticking(burning) to the bottom of your pan. When finished there will be a layer of oil on the top, stir the oil into sambal and remove from heat.

Cool and store, refrigerated in sterile container for up to 2 months




I cook, I learn, I #hodl “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien #AUSTriches #bitcoin #chefstr