proofofwork Jun 16, 2023


I am a fiend for chocolate chip cookies so when the wifey suggested making some I was all over it. These are really simple cookies and with a glass of full cream milk there is nothing better.

When you get chocolate get the good stuff. Don’t cheap out cause it is not worth it. Callebaut is a good brand used in many professional kitchens and for these cookies we used 55%, but that is a personal preference. The same can be said for the vanilla extract, buy the good stuff if you don’t make your own!

A couple of chef tips: buy some fresh vanilla beans, split them lengthways and immerse them in sugar to infuse the vanilla flavour. I also always have butter sitting on my bench so it it room temp and spreadable, for this recipe that is what you need.

#proofofwork: 20 minutes prep time and 9 minutes cooking

227 g salted butter (at room temperature)
200 g white granulated sugar
220 g light brown sugar
2 tsps pure vanilla extract 
2 each large eggs
360 g all-purpose flour
1 tspn baking soda
½ tspn baking powder
1 tspn sea salt
350 g chocolate chips, chunks or chopped chocolate


Preheat oven to 190C (375 F). Line a baking pan with parchment paper and set aside. In a bowl mix the dry ingredients (flour, baking soda, salt, baking powder.) Set aside.

In an electric mixer, cream together butter and sugars until combined. If you don’t have an electric mixer then I guess you have some extra work using a whisk and bowl.

Add the vanilla essence and eggs in one at a time to the creamed butter and sugar, and beat until fluffy. Mix in the dry ingredients until combined. Finish by mixing in the chocolate chips/chunks.

Roll 2-3 Tbs of dough at a time into balls and place them evenly spaced on your prepared cookie sheets. Alternately, use a small ice-cream scoop to make your cookies. Bake in the preheated oven for approximately 8-10 minutes. Take them out when they are just BARELY starting to turn brown. Let them sit on the baking pan for 2 minutes before removing to cooling rack.

Finish the cookies with a little sprinkle of sea salt for a little extra flavour pop when eating.

Pour a big glass of milk and devour. Enjoy!!

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I cook, I learn, I #hodl “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien #AUSTriches #bitcoin #chefstr