My “Furusato-nouzei” Jalapeños arrived from…

tax Jul 09, 2023

My “Furusato-nouzei” Jalapeños arrived from Akita prefecture! There should be about 30. I’ll pickle half of them and freeze most of the rest until I need them. Worked like a charm last year!

I’m Japan we have to pay inhabitant (municipal and prefectural) taxes, but the government has created this program called “hometown-tax” where you can opt to pay those taxes to specific regions and receive a thank you gift from that region.
So over the year, I will go onto and order lots of great “furusatonouzei” rural produce at a premium, but all those expenses can be claimed back in the tax return. Such that your inhabitants tax is reduced for the next year. Basically you’re paying money you’d have to anyway, but getting nice goods for free.

#tax #税金 #japan #日本 #furusatonouzei #ふるさと納税 #foodstr #protip



Christian bitcoiner | fiat mine dev | foreigner in Japan Nostrich, hatched April ‘23